Saturday, February 26, 2011
Multicultural education is a set of strategies and materials to help all students develop a positive self-concept by providing knowledge about history, cultures, and contributions of diverse groups. Most classrooms have diverent students from a variey of social classes and cultural and language groups.
Even though boys and girls are sitting in the same classroom, reading the same textbook, and listening to the same teacher, they recieve very different educations. When starting school boys and girls have equal achievements and opportunities. But this changes throughout education. The socialization of gender within schools assure that girls are made aware that they are unequal to boys. Teachers tend to affirm that girls and boys should be treated differently. They have different expectations of boys and girls. The socialization by gender is different within schools and this creates a difference in toleration of behaviors between boys and girls. Certain assertive behavior from girls is seen as disruptive and viewed negitively. But assertive behavior from a boy is expected.
Gender bias in education reaches beyond socialization patterns, bias is embedded in textbook, lesson, and teacher interactions with students. These gender bias' are part of the hidden curriculum of lessons thought to students through the functions of the everyday classroom.
Teachers need to be made aware of their gender-biased tendencies, they need to provide strategies for altering behaviors, and be aware of gender bias in educational materials. Not all teachers are aware of the different attention, time and energy they give to students based on gender. Resources need to be provided to teachers in order to change imbedded behaviors. Curriculum materials need to be inclusive, accurate, affirmative, representative, and integrated, combining the experiences, needs and interests of both males and females.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Banning Pysical Contact Altogether

Banning Hugs and High Fives
Is there a difference between good and bad touching? Some schools say no and have gone as far as banning every form of physical contact imaginable. They believe that physical contact is interferring with learning and education.
Administrators who support banning hugs, high fives and touching in school believe it is a disruption to learning. They believe that: high fives or play fighting evolved into violence, regular hugfests between classes regularly impinged on class time, hugs were used to mock students, and unwelcomed hugs bordered on sexual harassment.
There is definitely a difference between good and bad touching. A hug or a high-five shows affection or excitement. A punch or a kick shows anger and fustration. Giving someone a hug is not the same thing as punching someone or pushing them to the ground. Some physical contact should not be acceptable in school, including those that cause harm to oneself or another or is disrepectful in any way. But touching, as in a high-five or hug, does not cause harm, infact it does the complete opposite. Yes children should be taught about personal space, but banning all physical contact is not the right solution. Instead you teach when physical contact, such as giving hugs or high-fives, is appropriate in school and when it is not.
Good physical contact is important when it comes to social development. Appropriate contact is especially important during emotional periods throughout childhood. School are beginning to regulate genuine, humanizing touch between students. Rather than banning all physical contact, schools need to acknowledge humanity and the need for physical contact and touch.
In schools, children who violate this "no touching" rule are punished in different ways. Some are suspended and others recieve detention. Rather than teachers focusing their time on teaching important concept, they are spending more time acting as referees throughout the school day. They have to make sure they do not see anythng "inappropriate." I feel as though it would take more time and energy trying to stop every kind of physical contact than to teach children the difference between appropriate touching and inappropriate touching. Hugs and high-fives are needed in development, so why ban it altogether?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
There are many reasons why someone might decide to go into teaching. Every individual may have their own reasons based upon their experience and background throughout their childhood education. They way we were taught as children influences today. Some really like the way they learned something and others want to change and be different from the teachers and learning experience they encountered. People who usually go into teaching enjoy working with children and want to have a positive influence on them. People should come into teaching knowing what age group and what kind of children (behavioral/emotional) they want to work with. For example, I know i want to work with children of various ages (not past grade 5) that have behavioral or emotional problems. I decided on this after years of working with children. I was influenced first by my little brothers. They are adopted. They are half Haitian and half White and we have had them both since they were about 6weeks old. They were born addicted to drugs. I remember them going through withdrawls. Crying non stop for 5hours straight everyday and everything you tried just did not work. They are currently 6 and 5 years old and are still to this day dealing with emotional and behavioral issues. They have been through a lot at a very young age. No child deserves this. This is why teaching and being someone children can come to and count on are extremely important to me!!!
This website provides an article, Teacher's Bring it All to Life, by Rhonda Day, that discusses the various way why people choose to go into teaching. The author describes teaching as a noble, enviable, and demanding occupation that requires knowledge, patience, understanding, and a desire to help others. Rhonda Day list the primary reasons for teaching as followed:
1. A strong desire to give back to the community and the world.
2. Watching someone who is able to grasp new concepts and ideas through small building blocks created by teachers is a rewarding experience.
3.Watching others grow and develop mentally.
4. The one thing teachers love to do more than teach is learn!
5. Preparing, mentoring, and developing the youth of today for the leadership of tomorrow are highly valued talents.
I feel as though these are all valid reasons for people to go into teaching. Many feel good about themselves when giving back to the community. Building upon previous knowledge to make something that was once complex more simple is quite rewarding. Pure enjoyment for working with children and being part of their growth and development is important for many. Making a difference in childrens lives and learning experiences is what teaching is all about. Creating a community were children are able to learn is what matters most!!!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Hi Everyone!! My name is Jacqueline Padgett. I am currently 21yrs old and a senior at SSU (salemstate university). I am an Early Childhood Education major and my minor is in business management. I have always wanted to work with young children. I would LOVE to own my own daycare one day after graduation. I currently work as a site coordinator at an afterschool program and i love my job. In my program i have children in grades K-5. It is challenging at times, but it pays off when you know you make a difference!! When i am not working or doing school work, I spend majority of my time with my family. I have an older brother, a twin sister, 2 step brothers, and 2 younger brothers (only 6 and 5yrs old). My family is important to me and I enjoy helping with my younger brothers. One just learned how to read, which is VERY exciting =) =)
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